Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de lower

to lowerbajar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I loweryo bajo
you lowertú bajas
he lowersél baja
she lowersella baja
we lowernosotros bajamos
you lowervosotros bajáis
they lowerellos bajan
they lowerellas bajan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I loweredyo bajé
you loweredtú bajaste
he loweredél bajó
she loweredella bajó
we lowerednosotros bajamos
you loweredvosotros bajasteis
they loweredellos bajaron
they loweredellas bajaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have loweredyo he bajado
you have loweredtú has bajado
he has loweredél ha bajado
she has loweredella ha bajado
we have lowerednosotros hemos bajado
you have loweredvosotros habéis bajado
they have loweredellos han bajado
they have loweredellas han bajado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had loweredyo había bajado
you had loweredtú habías bajado
he had loweredél había bajado
she had loweredella había bajado
we had lowerednosotros habíamos bajado
you had loweredvosotros habíais bajado
they had loweredellos habían bajado
they had loweredellas habían bajado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will loweryo bajaré
you will lowertú bajarás
he will lowerél bajará
she will lowerella bajará
we will lowernosotros bajaremos
you will lowervosotros bajaréis
they will lowerellos bajarán
they will lowerellas bajarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have loweredyo habré bajado
you will have loweredtú habrás bajado
he will have loweredél habrá bajado
she will have loweredella habrá bajado
we will have lowerednosotros habremos bajado
you will have loweredvosotros habréis bajado
they will have loweredellos habrán bajado
they will have loweredellas habrán bajado

I would loweryo bajaría
you would lowertú bajarías
he would lowerél bajaría
she would lowerella bajaría
we would lowernosotros bajaríamos
you would lowervosotros bajaríais
they would lowerellos bajarían
they would lowerellas bajarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have loweredyo habría bajado
you would have loweredtú habrías bajado
he would have loweredél habría bajado
she would have loweredella habría bajado
we would have lowerednosotros habríamos bajado
you would have loweredvosotros habríais bajado
they would have loweredellos habrían bajado
they would have loweredellas habrían bajado

Participio presenteAnotado
lowering bajando

Participio pasadoAnotado
lowered bajado

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